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转:考试通知《分子与细胞免疫学新进展》0600067 Fw: Examination:Advanced Molecular and Cellular Immunology 0600067
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基础医学院研究生课程《分子与细胞免疫学新进展》0600067已结课,考试安排在本周四(1月9日)18:00-20:00, 趵突泉校区教学2楼2105教室。请仔细核对附件考试名单,并根据考场安排,携带研究生证按时参加考试。

Exam Notice:Advanced Molecular and Cellular Immunology, 0600067

Time: 18:00 - 20:00, January 9

Venue: Room 2105, No.2 Building, Baotuquan Campus

If you have chosen course Advanced Molecular and Cellular Immunology, 0600067, please mark your calendar and take the EXAM on time.

Check your name in the Excel table attached. When you take exams, DO take along your student book.

 20200107分子与细胞免疫学新进展0600067-选课名单Advanced Molecular and Cellular Immunology 0600067 - examinees.xlsx